Back to School!!


Hiya there pawsome peeps! Since the past two weeks, everyone at home have been feeling under the weather. This is because it has been freezing cold lately. Dr Auntie was the first one down, then it passed onto Mr Dad, then Mrs Mom and finally both Little Miss Diva and Baby A. Luckily, this time, I am not tagged along with them! 😀 As I am the only one who is as strong as a lion, I’ve been busy helping around the house. This has affected my schedule and I am a lot behind it at the moment. There are a lot of unticked boxes in my to do list! Got a lot of catching up to do!


As you know, the two week school holiday has passed and today was the first day at school in the year of 2016! YAHOO!!!!! I couldn’t wait to go to school this morning and meet my AMAZING Miss Javed, my PAWSOME Miss Hussain and surely my ROARSOME Hazel class!!!


When I arrived at school, everyone was looking happy and cheerful. Today, we had a supply teacher called Miss Dildar in the morning for about half an hour. In that half an hour, we spent the time writing some New Year’s Resolutions in 2016 and reflecting back on 2015. If any of you don’t know what a New Year’s Resolution is, it’s kinda like setting yourself a challenge or trying to improve on something for next year. My New Year’s Resolution was to improve on my writing skills so that one day, I can be a successful writer!


Then, when Miss Javed came back to the classroom, we started our Train Your Brain Day! Train Your Brain Day happens on the first day of school after any long holidays. Train Your Brain Day is basically discovering new learning powers and having a go at using them. After our short Train Your Brain session, we moved on to the “normal” school day. Now, because it was the first day back, we were going to be learning about a new topic. It was…the Amazon rainforest (I don’t mean “Amazon” as in the electrical commerce Amazon XD )! The Amazon rainforest is a rain forest near the Amazon River Basin in South America. The Amazon rainforest is also known as the world’s most largest rainforest!


Now, we needed a new display at school because we are learning about a different subject. So, in order to do that, my class helped make some parts for the display. The first thing that we made were cute little lemur monkeys that looked like King Julien! The parts of the body were separate so there was a lot of colouring, cutting and sticking. But, at least we only needed two or three colours. The lemurs were grey with black stripes on their tails. There was also some black on the face too. Once we finished colouring in the parts of the body, we cut them out and stuck them all together. Then, our lemurs were finished! They all looked cute and like King Julien!


After that, we left the lemurs in a pile inside the classroom and went to lunch. For my lunch, I had:

  1. A veggie roll/sausage with sweetcorn and pasta on the side
  2. Fruity jelly
  3. Juice


After lunch, we had another exciting activity to do in the afternoon. We were going to make Amazon snakes! The snakes were also for our Amazon rainforest display. There were three different techniques that we could use to make our snakes.


No.1 was to use a plate and decorate it before you cut a swirly pattern onto it. No.2 was to use the chain technique, which is just cutting the right length strips of paper and bending them round to make a small ring and joining all the rings at the same time. The 3rd and final one is called the concertina technique.This is made by glueing two strips of paper which are the same size at right angles, folding one piece up, then the other one and repeating this many times.


There were lots of pawsome snakes that were made for the display. All three techniques were seen all around the classroom. The techniques that I used were the chain and concertina technique. The most hardest technique out of all three of them would definitely be the concertina technique! I got there in the end but I also had to give a snake-making masterclass to some other classmates like Amaan, Abubakar and Krish! Phew!!! That was a lot of  hard work! 😉


At the end of the day, we put all of our snakes and lemurs in one pile so that they could be displayed on the Amazon Rainforest display. I’m very intrigued by this new topic and I can’t wait to learn about it! It sounds super pawsome!


As always on Tuesdays, at home time, I went to Keyboard Club. When I arrived at the place where Keyboard Club was held, I was surprised at what I saw on the interactive whiteboard. On it, in big, blue writing, it said, “Song Writing!” When I read that, I felt like jumping up and saying “WOOHOO!” Perhaps everyone should’ve known by now that other than writing, I also love making music and writing songs. So, I knew this lesson would turn out good for me. What we did first was think of our favourite song and read out the first line of it. Then, we need to try and guess what the song is about by just reading the first line. After that, we needed to think of some categories that we could write about in our song. Next, we wrote the first few lines of our song and shared it with the rest of the class. My lyrics were:

The moment I had to leave you,

I was left in complete sorrow

My heart was broken, just a tiny pebble,

I was afraid of the unknown…


Then, when we finished writing our lyrics, we had to find a suitable tune for our lyrics on the keyboard. We all managed to finish this task just in time before we had to go home. We were then informed that our individual songs would be put together at the end of the half term to make one big song! We were all excited when we heard the news and couldn’t wait. Finally, it was time to go home…


p/s: What’s your New Year’s Resolution?


*Media Source: Google Images*

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