Remote Learning Tips

Ever since the first time I had online classes at the beginning of Lockdown 1 way back in March right up until this second round of e-learning, I have always chosen the same spot as my new classroom. And no, it’s not a desk in my bedroom! I find that it gets me in the wrong mood – it’s the place where I sleep, so my brain automatically feels sleepy and I can’t work properly. Plus, not being able to go out of the house is bad enough, so not even going outside my bedroom just adds to it!

So instead, I chose the dining room as my classroom away from school, not only because it’s someplace other than my bedroom, but also because it has a nice view – it faces directly into the garden. And Alhamdulillah, I have a very understanding family who happily cooperate during my live classes. They make sure to make no noise…even Fatimah and Ali!

Of course, the right spot is not the only thing you need to make the most of your online classes. Make sure you wake up early and don’t sleep too late so you’re fresh for e-learning, wear the right clothes (which aren’t PJs!), take a shower, eat a full breakfast and all in all, just follow your normal morning routine before school – except school is now in the comfort of your own home!

Happy learning,

O. Mukhtar O. Mukhlis




BREAKING NEWS‼️ I was at school yesterday, and we were just about to finish our French lesson and head off to lunch when our Head of Year came in through the door and told us all to go to grab all our stuff, head to a specific room, and do nothing else. He didn’t tell us anything else, so we were all pretty confused, but we did as we were told. It wasn’t until everyone – along with a few other classes – had been herded into that one classroom that our Head of Year told us…one of our schoolmates had tested positive for coronavirus!

My year group has had to go into two weeks of isolation! Since a pupil has tested positive for coronavirus, to take the necessary precautions, we had to be sent home straight away at lunchtime yesterday. We’ll be keeping a close eye on ourselves and those around us, but luckily, none of us have developed any worrying symptoms – Alhamdullilah.

Of course, now that we have to stay at home for two weeks, we’ll be having online classes again, like the ones we had before the summer holidays. Nobody’s really looking forward to going back to all that, but now that we’ve had experience with online classes, we’ll be able to cope better.

Thinking back on it, it seems like every cloud has a silver lining, since now I’ll be able to spend more time at home and keep an eye on Mrs Mom, especially after that recent bad episode of hers.

All I can do now is go with the flow and wait patiently until we are able to go back to school. Until then, may God keep us all safe and protect us from any harm that comes our way…

Stay safe,

Mukhtar O. Mukhlis


#BreakingNews 😱

You Ask…I Answer: Study Tips

One of the most common questions I receive is, “Do you have a study timetable or routine?”. Well, to be honest, I don’t study too much at home, other than doing my homework. Instead, I give 200% effort at school to make it easier in the long run.

But if I do decide to do some home studying, personally, I don’t like having a rigid timetable that I have to follow every single day, no exceptions! My way of organising my studying is very fluid, and based on one single factor: what I NEED to study. I look at the areas I need to revise, that I need to improve on or build upon, and I start from there. Because if you think about it, there’s no point looking over French vocabulary when you have a Biology test coming up and you haven’t looked at the material in weeks!

And the other thing I always tell myself is not to spend hours studying and revising. That will eventually get boring, and that does no good when you’re trying to study. Instead, I study in sessions that are small and regular.

So in answer to the question, “Do you have a study timetable?” I would say that no, I don’t. I find that going with the flow in the moment is the most effective way of studying, and it suits me the most!

You ask…I answer,

Mukhtar O. Mukhlis

