Sunday with Adam- Life Behind the Scenes! 🎬

Hey guys! I hope everything’s swell. Are you enjoying the brand new series of Sunday with Adam? Have you guys tried the recipe for Chips to the Next Level yet? If not, then you should try it now! Finally, Episode 2 of the kids series has been released! This time, it’s… Icy Bites! This delicious dish has got cookies 🍪, which pack a CRUNCH, and ice cream🍦, which is divine and delicious! You definitely can’t resist this perfect treat! So, you’ve seen it all on screen, but you can’t imagine what life is like behind the scenes of Sunday with Adam…


At first, I was thinking that everything would be easy-peasy, as it seems in the video. It was only until we started shooting that I came face to face with the challenges! It was going to be a bit more harder than I thought!😵

Before we started to shoot the videos, Mr OCD Uncle had to plan everything from scratch. First, he had to think of the dishes that he was going to cook. Next, he had to decide which order he would cook them in. After that, he had to list down all the ingredients he needed. Then, he had to go grocery shopping for all the ingredients. Once that was done, he had to draw a design for the plating. Finally, he had to think of catchy names that would make the dishes even more attractive. BTW, Mr OCD Uncle managed to do all of this as a ONE MAN SHOW! I would say that he is equivalent to a superhero!!😤 One second he’s cooking at the worktop and the other he’s climbing up the ladder to check on the camera!💥

When the prep was done, we moved on to the shooting. The first stage was setting the scene! Now this was a very crucial but time-consuming part of the shooting. It took almost 2 hours to set everything up before each shooting day! We had to make sure that the spotlights were in the correct position so there was no shadow. The cameras also had to be in the right place so everything could be seen. Alongside that, we needed a nice background so we had to make sure the surface that we were working on was SPOTLESS ✨! The ingredients also had to be at a high standard.That’s why, early in the morning, Mr OCD Uncle goes grocery shopping to make sure we have high quality ingredients! For example, apples had to be a strong tone of red and shiny, lemons and limes had to be the perfect shape and mint had to be fresh and crisp. Everything had to be to a T! Whew, was that hard!

As soon as everything was set up, it was time to shoot the video! This was also a long process, it took half a day to do it! We didn’t start cooking straight away though. Before we did anything else, we needed to take a video of the spread of ingredients that we were going to use in our dish. Only then we could start cooking. Plating was also a very important issue. It was critical to make sure that the food looked stunning!😱 Because it was a cookery video, everything had to look irresistibly delicious! :p We also had to have perfect timing! For example, in Chips to the Next Level, we had to get the dish to the table quickly otherwise when we sliced it, we wouldn’t get that oozy, cheesy effect. And then we faced a bigger challenge with this episode. Since we were using ice cream in Icy Bites, the heat from the spotlight could have melted it so we had to get it onto the plate fast enough. It was a race against time! You should’ve seen me running around behind the scenes like a headless chicken! 😀

Did you notice that Mr OCD Uncle has also come up with something very smart in this brand new series of Sunday with Adam? He has invented ‘While Waiting…’! It is his own trademark and nobody else has ever done it before! This is the part I find fun as much as cooking. Whilst we are waiting for our food to cook, we do an activity together. For example, in Chips to the Next Level, we played Noughts & Crosses together. Then in Icy Bites, we played Monopoly, the board game. Clever, right?😁

Then along comes the final step, editing! And boy, did that take a long time! Because of the time limit on Instagram, all videos have to be no longer than 1 minute. Can you imagine how hard it was to shorten a video with a total length of a few hours into 1 minute? And that’s not all! We had to make sure it had a flow. It also had to have connectivity. Last but not least, we had to find a song! And it couldn’t be just any old song, it had to be a song that matched the video, it had to be a song that suited it. The song had to be something that was catchy, something that would stick in peoples minds. Finally, we had pieced all the jigsaws together so our masterpiece was complete!

So you see, a short but beautiful video has taken a lot of hard work behind the scenes. And it’s not just Sunday with Adam who works hard; the people who made the movies you love and the cartoons you watch have all strived and put their heart into their creation so they could make their own masterpiece. Now you know that some of the things you love have taken a lot of labour! Always appreciate other people’s hard work!

“The greatest achievements in life are only gained by hard work and toil.”

The Pawsome Lion

Friday 14th October 2016

p/s: Let’s Cook & Sway!

p/p/s: Don’t forget to follow Mr OCD Uncle on Instagram & Facebook: @adamdidam & subscribe to his YouTube channel too!😉