Sunday with Adam – The Brains Behind the Burger!šŸ”

Howdy y’all! It’s The Pawsome Lion! Did you enjoy last week’s video? Have any of you given it a try? If you haven’t, then you should! Now Episode 3 of the kids’ series is out! For this video, it’s…Lamb Burgers! This is a lovely delicacy that we all enjoy. But, what about the history of this dish?


The Origin of Burgers

Long long ago, burgers weren’t the type of burgers that we all know today. They were something slightly different. The first burgers came around in the Middle Ages. Travelling merchants from Hamburg learnt how to make patties from The Tartars of the Baltic Lands. They used raw meat for the patties and seasoned them with salt, pepper and onion juice. Pretty basic, right?

Then another cook (nobody knows his name) improvised on the patties. He got pieces of beef, shaped them into round patties and broiled them.When these burgers arrived in the U.S, they were eaten quite raw, like the French still prefer their meat.

Dr. James H. Salisbury

The English and Irish were the first ones to cook their beef patties well done throughout. People in England named the burger ‘Salisbury Steak’, afterĀ Dr. James H. Salisbury, who advised his patients to eat a well done beef patty three times a day, followed by a cup of hot water to cureĀ colitis, anemia and other illnesses.

The First ‘Burger Sandwich’


The first burgers weren’t actually eaten between two sliced buns though. It was only until the early 1900s (when burgers were popularised in America) that this eating fashion began. Apparently, the idea was invented by a gambler called John Montagu, the fourth earl of Sandwich. He stuffed his patties between slices of bread so it was more convenient for him. This way, he could eat right at the gambling table! The official appearance of the firstĀ ‘hamburger’ sandwich took place at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri (this is also the birthplace of the much loved ice cream cone).

Burger Evolution!



The Delicious Veggie Burger!

In where we are today, the burger has many different varieties. For example, vegetarians can enjoy burgers in the form of ‘veggie burgers’! The patties in these burgers are made from soy protein and vegetables. A lot of people are also creating new types of burgers. A Welsh zoologist is working on a high-protein burger patty made from rat meat!šŸ­ A group of scientists with tainted tastebuds are also trying to make a new burger. They’re going to use cotton for the patty! I wonder how they will taste like?

ramen burger.jpg

Another type of burger is the renowned Ramen Burger! The creator of this burger is a Japanese man called Keizo Shimamoto. He grew up in California and loved both parts of his culture: L.A (burgers) and Tokyo (ramen). He decided to merge both of these dishes together and create a whole new unique dish – The Ramen Burger, a twist on two dishes! In this dish, the normal burger bun is replaced with two circles of delicious, well-seasoned ramen! The Ramen Burger has spread worldwide and everybody loves it! Sounds PAWSOME!


A burger that is similar to the Ramen Burger is the Rice Burger created by MOS Burger in Japan. MOS Burger is a fast-food restaurant chain known in various parts of the world. In this burger, two compressed rice cakes are used as an alternative for normal burger buns. The Rice Burger has become popularised in many parts of East Asia and other places like Australia and Indonesia. I really want to taste on of those! šŸ˜


Burgers with fish patties are also very popular. Take the Salmon Burger for example, the patty in this burger is substituted with a chunk o’ salmon! The majority of people like this burger because it’s meaty and full of flavour. I bet it’s delicious! YUM!!! šŸ˜›

100 Billion Burgers!!! šŸ˜µ

McDonald’s is one of the best selling fast-food restaurants that sells burgers. Till date, they have sold over 100 billion burgers!!!Ā Stack all of them up and you’d get the height of 100 of the world’s tallest buildings!šŸ˜±Ā McDonald’s also owns a place known as ‘Hamburger University’, where people are taught the basics of hamburgerology. It is located inĀ Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

So now you know a bit more about one of the dishes you love. It’s pretty amazing, huh? There’s been a lot of change over time! Don’t forget to watch the latest episode of the Sunday with Adam kids series! And in case you were wondering, hamburgers aren’t made of ham (they’re from Hamburg! šŸ˜› ).

p/s: Letā€™s Cook & Sway!

p/p/s: Donā€™t forget to follow Mr OCD Uncle on Instagram & Facebook: @adamdidam & subscribe to his YouTube channel too!šŸ˜‰