Goodbye, 2017…

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It’s the end of the year, and the time has come to say goodbye to 2017! We would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been part of our 2017journey! We deeply appreciate the great amount of support you have given to us and we personally thank each and every one of you who has helped us and shown kindness to us! May God bless all of you and your families!

Above all, we thank God for the countless blessings bestowed on us, not only in this year, but throughout our lives! He truly is Al-Wahhab – The Supreme Bestower – as He has continuously gifted us no matter what! We are also grateful for not only the blessings, but the trials God has put us through as we have gotten through them together as one family, and they have empowered us to be strong.

This year has been PAWSOME! It has been filled with amazing experiences with the family, welcome challenges and eternal blessings and gifts, all thanks to the mercy and kindness of God! There have been many achievements, special occasions and joyous memories shared! It has all enriched us and filled our lives with even more happiness! Like other normal families, we’ve had our ups and downs on the rollercoaster of life, but even though we’ve been tested big-time due to Mrs Mom’s health, we had faith in God and with His blessings, we managed to pull through.

However, just because 2017 has ended doesn’t mean it is the end – InshaAllah it will mean the start of another great year!

p/s: Goodbye, 2017

Written by Omar Mukhtar
@thepawsomelion 🦁
On behalf of The Family!
Sunday, 31st December 2017
Birmingham 🇬🇧

Simply The Best!


There are two dates in November that are special to my family: the 10th and the 14th.

Mrs Mom always told us that me, Fatimah and Ali were lucky to have a second mother.

Fatimah and Ali used to ask who that other mother was, but I knew just the person Mrs Mom was talking about. Dr Auntie, Mrs Mom’s elder sister, was someone who had been there for us right from the start. She’s not just your average auntie! Out of everybody on Earth, I haven’t met anybody that could replace her! She’s loving and understanding, and it seems that her heart is made of pure gold.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a day go by without Mrs Mom and Dr Auntie talking to each other, and by that, I don’t mean just once, I mean at least 10 times (or 100, I lose count)! Mrs Mom and Dr Auntie are tightly knit and are very close sisters; I think we only ever need to make a phone call if we’re in urgent need of help! Sometimes, Mrs Mom doesn’t break any good news to us until Dr Auntie is tuned in and listening! And that is how important she is to the family!

Another great trait that makes Dr Auntie ‘Dr Auntie’ is that she’ll never say no, and will do anything to fulfil our needs. I think that if I asked her for £1,000,000, she’d rob a bank just for me (although, of course, she’s an honest and kind person, so I highly doubt that she’ll do anything of the sort. I really need to read those T’s and C’s.)!

I can still remember how she used to always find a way to make me happy when I was little. She knew I was the kind of kid that absolutely LOVED opening presents, so, on top all the other presents she’d got for my birthday, she’d take the wrapping paper and wrap anything she could find – literally. Books, socks, pens, plates. In fact, I still recall one account where I was surprised with a biscuit! Isn’t she sweet?

There’s many other qualities that make her probably the best auntie ever (subject to prejudice and sheer adoration!), so it’s no wonder nobody was like her! She’s my biggest inspiration and is somebody that always tries hard! She won’t give up and will not stop at anything to help her family! She’s definitely the role model to follow! Now, coming back to those two special dates in November, the 14th marks Dr Auntie’s birthday! The whole family looks forward to this day, because it’s that time of the year when we can really thank her for everything she’s done for us!

Dr Auntie has, of course, done many favours for me too, so I have specially dedicated a poem to her, which, I must admit, is small compared to what she has done for me, but is my way of saying thank you. Dr Auntie, this is for you!

Simply The Best!

By The Pawsome Lion

Dedicated to Dr Auntie

There’s millions of people in the world,

But none of them are quite like you,

You’re funny, loving, you’ve got a heart of gold!

And you make us feel like “YAY!” when we’re blue

You’re always there when we need help,

We can just give you a yelp!

A mother you are similar to,

It seems there’s nothing you can’t do!

You’re always by our side,

In the dark, you’re our brightening guide!

And I’d gladly go on and on,

Because when you’re around, no hope is gone!

But it is somebody’s special day,

And it’s a reason for you to shout HOORAY!


It’s YOUR special day!

Happy birthday, Dr Auntie! May God make this the best birthday ever!

p/s: Dear Dr Auntie, please pray for my interview, so I can bring back the biggest birthday present of all!

Your favourite nephew (self-claimed! 😁),

Omar Mukhtar – The Pawsome Lion

11 Reasons Why You’re Great!

mamajee's birthday 2017.jpg

Dear Mamajee,

Now here’s some reasons why you’re the best uncle,

There’s quite a lot, 11, to be exact!

Now, for a start, you’re always caring,

Always loving to all of us!

Number two!

You bring happiness with you,

And three, you’re so talented in cooking,

Your food? It’s basically heaven in a spoonful!

Next up’s the way you’re always by our side,

You’re also smiling, cheering us up!

You brightened up every dark corner,

Your laugh is just the thing to make us grin!

Whenever I think of stars, I remember your eyes,

Your hugs are warm,

Your jokes are so funny!

And to end it all here, you’re so loving!

You’re almost like our father!

And yes, I could go on and on!

Like the fact that you’ll never say no,

Or how you’ll fly across the world just for us!

But I just want to say,


And thanks for everything you’ve done for us and more!

From your nephew,

The Pawsome Lion,

On behalf of Fatimah and Ali

p/s: Dear Mamajee, remember where we took this picture? My birthday gift to you is some very good news…

Under The Lake

under the lake photo

Every day is just about the same for me. Wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face, grab an apple and walk straight into that 300-foot deep lake outside.

I work under the surface – well, when I say under, I mean on the other side. There’s plenty of other people that come too, it’s part of life for us. We work for Death, writing reports on certain people that are assigned to us, then calculating their life expectancy. Death has less on his plate because of us, so all he needs to do is fix his schedule.

Everything we do, think and feel is written on our bodies as soon as we pass through the portal. When we resurface, the writing disappears. Death pays us quite a fair salary each week, so life is sweet. There’s just one catch: whenever I start work, my skin is empty.

Death doesn’t favour me as much as the others, even though my wages are the same. There was another one like me, but she died sometime before I started. They call us Outsiders, which is pretty rude, but I don’t care.

I was always empty-skinned until that one day when my life seemed to change forever. I went through the same morning routine: brush teeth, wash face, eat apple, walk into lake. I just didn’t know that under the lake, it would be different.

The first few steps in are through the water barrier, then we should arrive on the other side. This time around, though, the journey seemed longer, and as I delved deeper and deeper, I could make out the distinctive shape of a person in the distance, a man, tall and skinny. He gradually came closer and closer, until I could see his face. It was Death himself, and he had grabbed hold of my hand. Before he pushed me up to the surface, he uttered four words: “You, master of me.”

And suddenly I was floating back up, and I flew out of the lake, landing on my feet. I wasn’t the slightest bit wet, as always. There was a piece of paper in my hand, reading:

Take my place under the lake.



And on my hand was a single word, as if written in black ink. ‘No need to ask for wages anymore.’ I thought to myself as I walked back to my cosy little home, smiling at my own hand, reading over and over again ‘Death’.