Fatimah Turns 5!

Dear Fatimah,

You’ve grown one year older, and I’d just like to say

That I wish you a very Happy 5th Birthday!

Oh, how time flies! I can never forget

When I was all lonely and then we first met

You brought a smile to my face, you tickled me silly,

You gave joy to me and the family!

Now you’re all grown up, and I again say,

Happy Birthday! May God make this the best of all days!


Your Lalajee, Omar Mukhtar

a.k.a. The Pawsome Lion

Fatimah’s 4th Birthday!

*Dedicated to my li’l’ PAWSOME sister, Fatimah*

Time seems to fly sometimes, without you even knowing it, and this was especially true with Fatimah! It seems like only yesterday when I was 7 and Fatimah was born into the family, bringing joy and laughter. I can clearly remember when she was small enough to fit into my hands and only just starting to crawl – but look where she is now! She’s walkin’, talkin’ and as much of a diva as you can be (a lovely diva, that is)! And today, she’s…

TURNING 4!!!!!!!!

Yep, you read it right! It’s the 3rd of January 2018, a.k.a Fatimah’s 4th birthday, one of the most special dates in our family!

Fatimah is one of the best people I know, and I’m so glad to have her as a sister! She’s very loving, and protective when it comes to her family! She’s really confident in speaking, like when she’s doing ‘The Fatimah Show’. Fatimah also loves cooking, and enjoys making cookery videos, just like Mamajee @adamdidam. She absolutely loves it when he comes to visit because they will be able to do it together! She also likes me to cook with her and I must admit, it’s quite an enjoyable experience! The first time I cooked with her, I was expecting her to ask for help, but in the end, she was the one helping me! I guess she’s mastered all the techniques because she always helps Mr Dad when he’s cooking!

Fatimah is also a playful and imaginative girl. She enjoys making stories with her toys, running a pretend restaurant with them as the customers and making sure her brother Ali has a part by putting him in the role of head chef, or going on a trek through the forest! Speaking of which, she’s VERY active! She always manages to get exercise, inside or outside, doing things like yoga and dancing, especially to Bollywood songs! But above all, she’s always well-behaved and highly mannered. Another favourite hobby of hers is arts and crafts. Cutting, sticking, painting, making collages, she loves it all! Not to forget, I’m glad that me and Fatimah share the same hobby, READING, as I have ORD (Obsessive Reading Disorder! 😉 ) She enjoys storytelling too!

These are only a few of the reasons I feel blessed to have Fatimah as a sister! I couldn’t have asked for more from God! On her 4th birthday, she’s already such a mature child! Fatimah, I wish you all the best for the future! May God shower you with His eternal blessings and keep you in His safeguarding! I wanted to give you a special birthday present for you this year, since you’re so grown up, and I decided that instead of a poem, I’d give you something special that you could keep with you, always. So here it is below – a special drawing of you, from a brother to a sister! I used lots and lots of colours to capture your loving, lively and playful personality, so it can remind you of your childhood, to tell you to always remain carefree, and of course, to let you remember that we will all be with you in your heart, and you’ll be in ours!

Fatimah BDay Artwork.jpg

Wishing you a very happy 4th birthday,

Your Lalajee,

The Pawsome Lion

p/s: Artwork above inspired by photo below.

Fatimah FidahFiss.jpg

Simply The Best!


There are two dates in November that are special to my family: the 10th and the 14th.

Mrs Mom always told us that me, Fatimah and Ali were lucky to have a second mother.

Fatimah and Ali used to ask who that other mother was, but I knew just the person Mrs Mom was talking about. Dr Auntie, Mrs Mom’s elder sister, was someone who had been there for us right from the start. She’s not just your average auntie! Out of everybody on Earth, I haven’t met anybody that could replace her! She’s loving and understanding, and it seems that her heart is made of pure gold.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a day go by without Mrs Mom and Dr Auntie talking to each other, and by that, I don’t mean just once, I mean at least 10 times (or 100, I lose count)! Mrs Mom and Dr Auntie are tightly knit and are very close sisters; I think we only ever need to make a phone call if we’re in urgent need of help! Sometimes, Mrs Mom doesn’t break any good news to us until Dr Auntie is tuned in and listening! And that is how important she is to the family!

Another great trait that makes Dr Auntie ‘Dr Auntie’ is that she’ll never say no, and will do anything to fulfil our needs. I think that if I asked her for £1,000,000, she’d rob a bank just for me (although, of course, she’s an honest and kind person, so I highly doubt that she’ll do anything of the sort. I really need to read those T’s and C’s.)!

I can still remember how she used to always find a way to make me happy when I was little. She knew I was the kind of kid that absolutely LOVED opening presents, so, on top all the other presents she’d got for my birthday, she’d take the wrapping paper and wrap anything she could find – literally. Books, socks, pens, plates. In fact, I still recall one account where I was surprised with a biscuit! Isn’t she sweet?

There’s many other qualities that make her probably the best auntie ever (subject to prejudice and sheer adoration!), so it’s no wonder nobody was like her! She’s my biggest inspiration and is somebody that always tries hard! She won’t give up and will not stop at anything to help her family! She’s definitely the role model to follow! Now, coming back to those two special dates in November, the 14th marks Dr Auntie’s birthday! The whole family looks forward to this day, because it’s that time of the year when we can really thank her for everything she’s done for us!

Dr Auntie has, of course, done many favours for me too, so I have specially dedicated a poem to her, which, I must admit, is small compared to what she has done for me, but is my way of saying thank you. Dr Auntie, this is for you!

Simply The Best!

By The Pawsome Lion

Dedicated to Dr Auntie

There’s millions of people in the world,

But none of them are quite like you,

You’re funny, loving, you’ve got a heart of gold!

And you make us feel like “YAY!” when we’re blue

You’re always there when we need help,

We can just give you a yelp!

A mother you are similar to,

It seems there’s nothing you can’t do!

You’re always by our side,

In the dark, you’re our brightening guide!

And I’d gladly go on and on,

Because when you’re around, no hope is gone!

But it is somebody’s special day,

And it’s a reason for you to shout HOORAY!


It’s YOUR special day!

Happy birthday, Dr Auntie! May God make this the best birthday ever!

p/s: Dear Dr Auntie, please pray for my interview, so I can bring back the biggest birthday present of all!

Your favourite nephew (self-claimed! 😁),

Omar Mukhtar – The Pawsome Lion

Surprise…We’re on UK TV!

The wait is finally over! The Family’s very own TV show is going to be aired on British Muslim UK TV. Believe it or not, it’s not just 1 episode, but 12! It is like having our very own reality show, but with added fun family activities! It’s also educational, packed with quizzes and trivia. It’s kinda like Fear Factor, fuelled with plenty of gruesome foods and smells! When Mr Dad broke the news to me, I was overjoyed to hear that they were inviting me to host our own family TV show! I was extremely honoured, but of course, none of this would have been possible without the help of everyone who put in every effort to make this happen!

First of all, I would like to thank Mr Dad! Normally, he doesn’t like to be in the limelight, but this time, he insisted on doing it to support me. I see him as a wonderful dad who won’t put his preferences before helping his son! He is a yes man, and can do anything for his children! He doesn’t mind to get his hands dirty, he just does it to support us! How much more caring can a father get? I hope he will be an inspiration to other dads out there!

I would also like to give thanks to Mamajee @adamdidam for his huge help too! When BMTV invited him to be part of the show, despite his busy schedule, he flew all the way to the UK from Malaysia and gave his full support! Mamajee has taught me a lot about the experience of being in front of a camera, and it has benefited me by having him in the show!

Of course, we can’t forget Fatimah! She has been exceptionally brilliant during the shooting and was very brave to talk in front of loads of cameras and people! Those of you who follow our Instagram will know that Fatimah was born to talk! However, shooting for TV is a whole new thing for a three-year-old like her! On some days, she was having a bad skin day due to the fact that she is lactose intolerant and is allergic to dairy products, but she was still able to continue shooting! I am very proud of her and how she has managed to be a featuring star in the show!

Another person who is prominent in the process of creating the show is Dr Auntie! She has been a massive help and sacrificed her time by coming all the way from Manchester to aid us! I don’t know what we would have done without her! She’s been great support to all of us!

Ali also deserves some thanks! He was extremely well-behaved whilst we were away shooting. He was not crying at all, even though him and Fatimah cannot be separated!

I would also like to express my gratitude to Mrs Mom! All throughout the making of the show, she has constantly supported us, telling us her thoughts about it and being really encouraging for us, even though she wasn’t feeling well at the time! She’s like a wonder woman!

And lastly, I would like to say a humungous thank you to Zainab, Yousra and the whole British Muslim TV team! They have taken us as their guests and have done millions of things for us! They are a great team to work with, being professional yet friendly! It’s like working with one big family! They accommodated us with all our needs right from the beginning! The original shooting location was meant to be in Manchester, but they brought the whole team to Birmingham just to make it more convenient for us! During the shooting, they looked after us, giving us appropriate breaks, providing us with food and cheering us on! They have also pampered Fatimah, making sure she has enough rest, making her food and even feeding her! Their love for us really shines through! It was such an amazing experience!

I have had so much fun making this show! The experience has helped me a lot in terms of developing my confidence and polishing my communication skills! And of course, be sure to tune in to British Muslim TV today from 4pm UK time (12am Malaysia time) on Sky 845 to watch the show! For those outside the UK, don’t worry! You can still watch us live from anywhere in the world through their website: http://www.britishmuslim.tv

p/s: Thank you once again BMTV! Can’t wait for our next project together!

Who Else But Mum!?

golden birthday 2017

Who Else But Mum!?

(A poem written by The Pawsome Lion)

~Dedicated to Mrs Mom

I still remember how you smiled at me,

And that twinkle in your eyes,

Our laughs when we had fun,

The tears of joy we shared

I still remember how you helped me up

When I fell to the floor,

Your hugs when I felt down,

Your praise when I had done well

I still remember after all these years

How kind you’ve been to me,

How great you’ve been to my brother,

How great you’ve been to my sister

And I still come to you for hugs,

For smiles, for advice, for a laugh,

Because I think,

Who else but mum,

To go to for joy!?

Who else but mum,

To go to for help!?

Who else? Who else? Who else but mum!?

And on this very special day,

I’d like to say…

Happy Birthday!

To the best mother in the world!


11 Things I Love About You

Dear Mr Dad,

The 17th of June has always been a date that our family looks forward to. Yes, it’s your birthday and it’s right next to Father’s Day (Lucky you!)! That’s why I’m writing this post!

Over the years, you’ve been a PAWSOME father and a great husband for Mrs Mom, and you’ve made a lot of sacrifices for us. Ever since I was born, you’ve been like my best friend and you haven’t failed to keep Little Miss Diva and Ali the Salt Bubba happy too! You’ve got a great sense of humour and you’ve got a heart of pure gold! You’ve supported us and loved us with all your heart and you’ve always stood by our side. You are a very -and I mean VERY – PAWSOME dad! After all, you are the one and only Mr Dad! So, we’d all like to say THANK YOU for everything you’ve done! We really appreciate it! And since it’s such a special occasion, I’ve written a lovely (hopefully you’ll find it that way) poem, just for you!

11 Things I Love About You

A poem written by Omar Mukhtar, The Pawsome Lion on behalf of the whole family

Fatimah The Little Miss Diva, Ali The Salt Bubba and Mrs Mom

I love the way you keep us happy,

The way you sing to us,

I love how you smile at us in the morning,

The way you advise us

I love the way you play chess with me,

The way you comb our hair,

I love how you know how to make us laugh,

The way you help with your great sense of fashion

I love the way you love Mrs Mom, 

And how you care for her,

But most importantly, I love the way you stand by our side

Which makes you a PAWSOME father!

And on this special day, I’d like to say…

Happy Birthday! Happy Father’s Day!

From your loving family!

Happy birthday and Happy Father’s Day, Mr Dad! We hope they both turn out to be great days! May God grant all of your wishes and make them the best days ever! 😀

p/s: Dear God,

Please reserve my dad the best place in heaven coz he totally deserves it!

Flower Power!🌷

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting anything recently. I have been SUPER busy at school! This year, I have been chosen as a Digital Leader, I am still teaching in Handwriting Club for three times a week, I am also a Junior Journalist for the school newspaper and God knows what else! 😀 So Mr Dad and Mrs Mom said that I should take a break from some activities outside of school. However, I have still been writing offline and I will be releasing the pieces that I have written on my blog. But don’t worry! I’m back now!


Yesterday, me, Little Miss Diva and Ali Bubba (Baby A wanted to change his name because he doesn’t like being called ‘Baby’ any more, even though he is only 19 months old!) decided to create our own pieces of art – Cupcake Case Flowers! To make them, we used cupcake cases, buttons, paper and some ribbons. Little Miss Diva and Ali Bubba really enjoyed making the flowers; they grinned all the way through!

If you would like to try this with your kids, follow the simple steps below ⬇️ :

  1. Firstly, choose three large cupcake cases and gently flatten them, making sure that they aren’t bent.
  2. Next, apply glue to the back of the cases and paste them onto a piece of paper.
  3. After that, take three smaller cupcake cases that can fit into the middle of the bigger ones, flatten them and stick them in the centre of the big cases.
  4. Once you have done that, choose some buttons to glue onto your flowers (different colours and sizes will make it look more attractive!)
  5. Afterwards, cut three pieces of green ribbon and stick them under your flowers. This will be the stem!
  6. Finally, flatten a small green cupcake case (one for each flower), cut it in half and stick each half on either side of the ribbon to make your leaves. Now your flower is complete!

This is a great activity for children because it can unleash their creativity, it’s fun and it’s easy! I would highly recommend this for people who have little ones at home!

Well, that’s all for today, but be sure to look out for the next post! Bye!

p/s: Follow me on Instagram: @thefamily.uk for the latest updates and more…;)

Pawsome Book Club: Paddington at Large by Michael Bond

Hiya pawsome peeps! How’s everything going?

Last week, me and Little Miss Diva went to Thimblemill Library to exchange our old books for new ones for The BFR. Along with the books, we also got some cool prizes! 🏆 Our first was…a BFG – or Big Friendly Giant – pop out bookmark! It is PAWSOME!!!

The other prizes we got were…our first two Collector Cards!!! 🂠 🂠 They feature some of Quentin Blake’s amazing illustrations picked out of Roald Dahl’s books. On the backs, there’s all sorts of things! There’s tongue twisters, practical jokes and more! One of the cards even has a ‘Scratch n’ Sniff’ smell on them! When you scratch it, it pongs badly!!! YUUCK!!!


Once again, I am going to be reviewing a book that I have read for The BFR. This time, I have put the scary business to one side and went for something different. The book that I have chosen for this post is…Paddington at Large by Michael Bond!! I can guarantee that Micheal Bond is one of the most PAWSOME writers in the world!


The front cover of this book is adorable and eye-catching at the same time. A chubby lil’ bear in a tuxedo and a red hat! Who wouldn’t want to pick up that book?

The main character (or should I say animal!) in this book is a bear called Paddington and this book takes you through the adventures he has and the mischief he gets up to. You will surely burst into fits of laughter!

I would definitely recommend this book to people who love adventure and have a taste for humour. It is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading and I’m sure that many of you will too! You won’t regret it!

Finally, rating! The number of stars that I am giving this book is…5!!! Yay!!! It is probably one of the best books I have ever read! It really deserves 5 stars! If you would like to read this book, visit your local library today and ask about it!

Oh well, that’s all, folks! Remember to look out for more reviews from my Pawsome Book Club! 😉

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Pawsome Book Club: Space Shuttle Blasts Off by Peter Bently

Ni Hao pawsome peeps!

This post is going to be book review, yet again! This review is going to be for another children’s book. I thought that it might be useful for parents with bookworms! This post will be featuring Little Miss Diva!!! Now, the book that we have read is called…Space Shuttle Blasts Off by Peter Bently!


Me and Little Miss Diva think that the front cover of this book is really cool! A panda in a space ship⁉️ WOW!!!

The main characters in this book are Commander Mandy and Co-Pilot Andy. The crew have to go to space to collect and repair a broken satellite. But who will they meet on the way?

If your child is a boy or a girl and they love books, then they will enjoy every moment of this book. Even if they aren’t bookworms but are into things related to space, they would definitely like to read this! But since this is from Little Miss Diva’s point of view, she says that she wants to rate this book 3 stars! She didn’t like it very much 😦 . I think it’s because she’s still missing Max! But I would say that this book is great! The illustrations are vibrant, the words are easy to read and it is also educational! If you would like to get this book for your child, just ask at your local library today!

I have to stop there pawsome peeps! I need to go now! But remember watch out for the next book review from my Pawsome Book Club!

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!