The Purest Heart

O, how his heart shines brighter

Amongst millions of others

O, how it outshines stars of gold

And moons of ivory

Sent from Him up above

To light our way with this heart

To illuminate the path that leads

To the Paradise in the skies

O, how he pulls our souls

Closer to his Master – our Master

He who blessed us

With life, with truth

And with the one to help us make the best of it

O Rasulullah, how our hearts pray for yours…

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد

O Allah, send Your grace, honour and mercy upon our beloved Muhammad (PBUH)

A poem #ThePurestHeart 🤍

Written by Mukhtar O. Mukhlis

For Mawlid-ul-Rasul 1442 AH


Happy 40th Birthday Mrs Mom!

In a field full of flowers,

She is an oak tree

Spreading her ever-loving branches

Over all she sees

Leaves in shades of emerald,

Acorn-filled wooden limbs,

And a garden of roses

Under her smile,

Basking in her warmth.

Happy Birthday Mrs Mom,

Omar Mukhtar

Walking In The Rain

Walking in the rain

Is such a peaceful feeling,

Basking in the coolness

Of heaven’s cleansing tears

Clouds are its arms

High up in the sky,

Occasionally reaching down

For short, sweet embraces

Tingling, fleeting moments

Blown away by the wind,

The wet ghosts of yesterday

Pull in visions of tomorrow

A poem by Omar Mukhtar in loving memory of Mamajee @adamdidam


The Lemon & Banana Boy!

Lemons are sour but this boy is sweet,

Ali’s his name, his cuteness can’t be beat!

Ali’s so sweet he makes sour lemons,

Sweeter than sugar, as sweet as a melon!

Ali love bananas, he loves them a lot!

He finds them so tasty, you should give them a shot!

This cute little boy just can’t live without

A banana a day, without it he’ll pout!

Bananas and lemons, both yellow in colour,

One is sweet, though, and the other’s sour…

But look what Ali’s done, it’s such a wonder!

He’s totally rocking this stylish T-shirt,

(the fruits are making me hungry for dessert!)

Bananas and lemons, who’d have thought,

Somebody could flaunt such a style?

The sweet with the sour, it just doesn’t click,

But Ali can make anything fit!

Ali, of course! His cuteness is great!

That and his new look, impossible to hate!

Bananas and lemons, sour and sweet,

Ali is WEARING them – isn’t that neat?

A poem by Omar Mukhtar a.k.a. The Pawsome Lion

Written for my little brother Ali!

Happy Birthday Dadijee!

dadijee birthday

It was Dadijee’s birthday on Friday 8th June 2018, and it was a very special day indeed! Dadijee is an amazing grandma to all three of us – me, Fatimah and Ali – and a brilliant mother to Mrs Mom! She’s an ideal role model: she’s kind, considerate, and loving! She’s always there to help us and support us in bad times. She is willing to spare her time to listen to us, and she will always have some handy words of wisdom to share! And of course, her cooking is PAWSOME! But most of all, she’s loving! She’ll always be there to comfort us, as a grandma, mother and friend!

So today, I wish Dadijee a very Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday Dadijee! May God bestow all the greatest of blessings upon you! And what could be better than celebrating her birthday than when we’re all here together? Yes, that’s right, Dadijee and all the family just arrived on Thursday, right on time for her birthday! It’s so nice to have the family together for this special occasion! And as my gift as a grandson to a grandma, a special poem specially for one of the amazing people in my life!

A Brilliant Grandma

A Poem By Omar Mukhtar, The Pawsome Lion

She is a brilliant grandma,

With special qualities,

She’s kind, unique and sweet,

And puts up with my frivolities!

She is a brilliant grandma,

A brilliant cook too,

And so much food upon the plates,

It’s more than I can chew!

She is a brilliant grandma,

And on her birthday,

A thank you

Is the least I could do

For all she’s done for me

But I think I’ll start with that

Thank You and Happy Birthday!

p/s: Dear God,

Please shower my grandma with the greatest of blessings and reserve her the best place in Heaven – she really deserves it!


Omar Mukhtar a.k.a. The Pawsome Lion

Mostly Bitter, Not So Sweet…

One night, while I lay in bed, I found myself tossing and turning, not being able to sleep. As I lay there counting sheep, a poem kept ringing in my head, ‘Brother and Sister’ by Lewis Carroll, who also wrote the famous ‘Alice In Wonderland’. I had actually read it earlier on, and it became my new favourite poem! Becoming inspired to write my own twisted version, I quickly pulled out my mini notebook from under my pillow (yep, I keep a notebook under my pillow) and penned down my ideas! Here’s the finished product, which is about a brother and a sister with a bittersweet relationship, which, as the title implies, is mostly bitter, but not so sweet…

Mostly Bitter, Not So Sweet…

A Poem By O. Mukhtar O. Mukhlis a.k.a The Pawsome Lion

There was once a boy, a boy and a girl,

And that little girl made her brother hurl

“Oh sister!” he said,

“I must rest my head!

So I’m calling Doc Crest

To get rid of you pest!”

“Such rudeness, boy!

I am not your toy!”

Her brother replied

“I shall smack your hide,

Or would you, perhaps, like a scratch,

So on your face, you’ll wear a patch?”

Doc Crest came bursting through the door,

“Where is the little pest, so poor?”

And thus replied the young girl’s brother,

“There is the stinky little bother!”

“What special treatment do you require?”

“Please tie her to a castle spire!

Or better still, just put her in

A soup we can put in the bin.”

“A soup it is!

First cut then whizz!”

The poor girl fainted,

It looked like red, her face had been painted

When she woke up,

She was tied up

Next to a pot

So boiling hot

She felt like she had just been shot

Right when her brother picked her up,

The cops came in and shouted “Stop!

Don’t put her in!

That’ll be a sin!”

He said “I don’t care,

She’s a rotten old pear”

And just when he was feeling bold,

The policemen knocked him out cold

He was dragged to jail

So young and frail

And was never heard from ever again

“So now you see,” said a coffee barista,

“No good comes out of cooking your sister!”

(Who, in actual fact, was drinking his brother, in the form of an innocent coffee cup)

So, what do you think of it?

The message that I wanted this poem to send was to BE NICE! Whether you’re brother and sister, best friends, colleagues or any other relationship, being kind is key. Typical me, I like to be different, so instead of writing about what to do, I wrote about what not to do! Remember how the brother tries putting his sister in a soup? That represents a bad action, and just by doing it, he releases the darker side of relationships. Of course, there are consequences for these things. Like how the brother was ‘dragged off to jail’ in this piece, the consequences are serious, and trust me, you don’t want to face them. And of course, the very end teaches us not to judge a book by its cover…or the contents of a coffee cup by its label (honestly, you never know what a two-faced person your coffee barista could be). The coffee barista in this poem represents the many two-faced people in this world that give out words of wisdom but do the exact opposite of their own advice! Nobody should be like this. Instead, we should all be our true selves and try to be the best we can and help others be their best every day!

p/s: Oh yes, and not to forget, cannibalism is BAD!!! 😬

My PAWSOME Mother!

mothers day

Let’s face it: without mothers, we wouldn’t be where we are today. They’ve been there from the start and they’ll be there till the end! They’re always there to help, purely out of love! And that’s what Mother’s Day is all about – celebrating just how great mums are.

Mrs Mom is a great example of a brilliant mum! She was always there by my side, helping me as I went along. I could never forget all those moments we spent together! She would always get me involved with things around the house, like cooking up some new dishes with her or making a brainstorm of story ideas to tell to each other. That’s really why I’ve been blessed with the talent of writing right now, because it was Mrs Mom who spotted my passion, and she guided me through the steps! So, I have her to thank for getting me where I am today. Sure, may be the writer behind this blog, a journalist for my school newspaper and Pobble’s youngest ever guest blogger, but remember, behind every great star, there’s a mother with double the greatness!

As I mentioned, it’s Mother’s Day, and I think a gift is due for all of Mrs Mom’s brilliance! We should all be celebrating our mothers every day, but I guess Mother’s Day is just that big marker for every year. So on that note, here’s my marker.

A Little Ditty For My Mother Witty

By Omar Mukhtar The Pawsome Lion

Dedicated to Mrs Mom for Mother’s Day

You’ve put up with all the Mother’s Day gifts,

The pink and purple hearts,

You’ve shouted “Yay!” for – ahem – dandelions,

And all my meSSy arts,

Yes, I may have hated all those greens,

I may not be the cleanest,

But can you forgive me after I say your homemade mop’s ingenious!

My exercise books might be shoddy,

On every page’s a


But still you had a heart so big to keep the whole caboodle

And so today, I say “Hooray!” for now it’s MOTHER’S DAY!

For years of love and thought and care, like this I will repay…

Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs Mom! You’re absolutely PAWSOME!

p/s: What does YOUR mother do that makes her so special to you? Share in the comments below!

Fatimah’s 4th Birthday!

*Dedicated to my li’l’ PAWSOME sister, Fatimah*

Time seems to fly sometimes, without you even knowing it, and this was especially true with Fatimah! It seems like only yesterday when I was 7 and Fatimah was born into the family, bringing joy and laughter. I can clearly remember when she was small enough to fit into my hands and only just starting to crawl – but look where she is now! She’s walkin’, talkin’ and as much of a diva as you can be (a lovely diva, that is)! And today, she’s…

TURNING 4!!!!!!!!

Yep, you read it right! It’s the 3rd of January 2018, a.k.a Fatimah’s 4th birthday, one of the most special dates in our family!

Fatimah is one of the best people I know, and I’m so glad to have her as a sister! She’s very loving, and protective when it comes to her family! She’s really confident in speaking, like when she’s doing ‘The Fatimah Show’. Fatimah also loves cooking, and enjoys making cookery videos, just like Mamajee @adamdidam. She absolutely loves it when he comes to visit because they will be able to do it together! She also likes me to cook with her and I must admit, it’s quite an enjoyable experience! The first time I cooked with her, I was expecting her to ask for help, but in the end, she was the one helping me! I guess she’s mastered all the techniques because she always helps Mr Dad when he’s cooking!

Fatimah is also a playful and imaginative girl. She enjoys making stories with her toys, running a pretend restaurant with them as the customers and making sure her brother Ali has a part by putting him in the role of head chef, or going on a trek through the forest! Speaking of which, she’s VERY active! She always manages to get exercise, inside or outside, doing things like yoga and dancing, especially to Bollywood songs! But above all, she’s always well-behaved and highly mannered. Another favourite hobby of hers is arts and crafts. Cutting, sticking, painting, making collages, she loves it all! Not to forget, I’m glad that me and Fatimah share the same hobby, READING, as I have ORD (Obsessive Reading Disorder! 😉 ) She enjoys storytelling too!

These are only a few of the reasons I feel blessed to have Fatimah as a sister! I couldn’t have asked for more from God! On her 4th birthday, she’s already such a mature child! Fatimah, I wish you all the best for the future! May God shower you with His eternal blessings and keep you in His safeguarding! I wanted to give you a special birthday present for you this year, since you’re so grown up, and I decided that instead of a poem, I’d give you something special that you could keep with you, always. So here it is below – a special drawing of you, from a brother to a sister! I used lots and lots of colours to capture your loving, lively and playful personality, so it can remind you of your childhood, to tell you to always remain carefree, and of course, to let you remember that we will all be with you in your heart, and you’ll be in ours!

Fatimah BDay Artwork.jpg

Wishing you a very happy 4th birthday,

Your Lalajee,

The Pawsome Lion

p/s: Artwork above inspired by photo below.

Fatimah FidahFiss.jpg

Come Rain or Shine…

come rain or shine

Come Rain or Shine…

(A poem written by The Pawsome Lion)

~ Dedicated to Mr OCD Uncle, Dadajee & Khun Yai Thi Rak Khong Phom ~

Our laughter used to fill every room,

They’re now the carriers of our sweet memories

Our love was strong, so tightly knit,

It seemed impossible to get in the way

Our smiles were sunshine,

Our eyes were stars,

We brightened up every dark corner

But then one day, you went away

It broke my heart to say goodbye

And as you left me all alone,

I shared my sorrow with the sky

Its cold tears washed my face

And thunder rolled as my own dripped

It knew how I was feeling

But I know that you’ll come back

To make more memories,

To laugh even more

And I also know that come rain or shine,

I’ll still love you and you’ll still love me

Saturday, 16th September 2017

p/s: Photo of The Pawsome Lion, 3 years old – by Mr Dad © 2009

11 Things I Love About You

Dear Mr Dad,

The 17th of June has always been a date that our family looks forward to. Yes, it’s your birthday and it’s right next to Father’s Day (Lucky you!)! That’s why I’m writing this post!

Over the years, you’ve been a PAWSOME father and a great husband for Mrs Mom, and you’ve made a lot of sacrifices for us. Ever since I was born, you’ve been like my best friend and you haven’t failed to keep Little Miss Diva and Ali the Salt Bubba happy too! You’ve got a great sense of humour and you’ve got a heart of pure gold! You’ve supported us and loved us with all your heart and you’ve always stood by our side. You are a very -and I mean VERY – PAWSOME dad! After all, you are the one and only Mr Dad! So, we’d all like to say THANK YOU for everything you’ve done! We really appreciate it! And since it’s such a special occasion, I’ve written a lovely (hopefully you’ll find it that way) poem, just for you!

11 Things I Love About You

A poem written by Omar Mukhtar, The Pawsome Lion on behalf of the whole family

Fatimah The Little Miss Diva, Ali The Salt Bubba and Mrs Mom

I love the way you keep us happy,

The way you sing to us,

I love how you smile at us in the morning,

The way you advise us

I love the way you play chess with me,

The way you comb our hair,

I love how you know how to make us laugh,

The way you help with your great sense of fashion

I love the way you love Mrs Mom, 

And how you care for her,

But most importantly, I love the way you stand by our side

Which makes you a PAWSOME father!

And on this special day, I’d like to say…

Happy Birthday! Happy Father’s Day!

From your loving family!

Happy birthday and Happy Father’s Day, Mr Dad! We hope they both turn out to be great days! May God grant all of your wishes and make them the best days ever! 😀

p/s: Dear God,

Please reserve my dad the best place in heaven coz he totally deserves it!