Pawsome Book Club: The Selfish Crocodile Book of Sounds by Faustin Charles

Merhaba pawsome peeps!

Today, I am going to be reviewing another children’s book and this time, it will be featuring…Baby A!!! So, let’s start! The book that we have chosen to review today is…The Selfish Crocodile Book of Sounds by Faustin Charles!


It’s no surprise Baby A is drawn to the book! Smiling, colourful animals can get any child’s attention!

This book features a number of animal sounds that are fun and easy to imitate. The pictures are also very bright and your kids will enjoy investigating them. Baby A had fun repeating the animal sounds after me and loved looking at all of the illustrations. That’s why he wants to give it…5 stars!!! Baby A admired this PAWSOME book and your child sure will too! If you would like to get this book, then just simply ask at your local library today!

Well, that’s all for this post! Always keep an eye out for more reviews from my Pawsome Book Club!

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Pawsome Book Club: Paddington at Large by Michael Bond

Hiya pawsome peeps! How’s everything going?

Last week, me and Little Miss Diva went to Thimblemill Library to exchange our old books for new ones for The BFR. Along with the books, we also got some cool prizes! 🏆 Our first was…a BFG – or Big Friendly Giant – pop out bookmark! It is PAWSOME!!!

The other prizes we got were…our first two Collector Cards!!! 🂠 🂠 They feature some of Quentin Blake’s amazing illustrations picked out of Roald Dahl’s books. On the backs, there’s all sorts of things! There’s tongue twisters, practical jokes and more! One of the cards even has a ‘Scratch n’ Sniff’ smell on them! When you scratch it, it pongs badly!!! YUUCK!!!


Once again, I am going to be reviewing a book that I have read for The BFR. This time, I have put the scary business to one side and went for something different. The book that I have chosen for this post is…Paddington at Large by Michael Bond!! I can guarantee that Micheal Bond is one of the most PAWSOME writers in the world!


The front cover of this book is adorable and eye-catching at the same time. A chubby lil’ bear in a tuxedo and a red hat! Who wouldn’t want to pick up that book?

The main character (or should I say animal!) in this book is a bear called Paddington and this book takes you through the adventures he has and the mischief he gets up to. You will surely burst into fits of laughter!

I would definitely recommend this book to people who love adventure and have a taste for humour. It is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading and I’m sure that many of you will too! You won’t regret it!

Finally, rating! The number of stars that I am giving this book is…5!!! Yay!!! It is probably one of the best books I have ever read! It really deserves 5 stars! If you would like to read this book, visit your local library today and ask about it!

Oh well, that’s all, folks! Remember to look out for more reviews from my Pawsome Book Club! 😉

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Pawsome Book Club: Spot Loves His Grandpa by Eric Hill

Hola pawsome amigos!

Welcome back to another book review from my Pawsome Book Club! This review is also going to be for a children’s book as Little Miss Diva and Baby A LOVE to read books! If you are the parent of a bookworm then this post might help you! The book that I have chosen for this review is called…Spot Loves His Grandpa by Eric Hill!


The front cover of this book is very eye-catching and bright. That is what every book should have!

The main character in this book is called Spot and he looks up to his grandpa a lot. This book tells the story of the adventures he has with him. It takes you on a journey through Spot’s and Grandpa’s life together.

Baby A loves to read this book with me. He likes to copy what I read from the book. If you have a child from 0-1 years and they love to read, they will definitely enjoy reading this book!

Finally, rating! The number of stars that I am giving this book is…5!!! 👏 This is a book your 1 year old bookworm will surely enjoy reading. The illustrations are bright and colourful, the words are easy to understand and your child can imitate the words! Want to read this book? Just visit your local library and ask about it!

I’ll have to stop here pawsome peeps! I hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Always keep looking out for more book reviews from my Pawsome Book Club!

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Pawsome Book Club: Max at Night by Ed Vere

Namaste pawsome peeps! Everything ship-shape?

Once again, I am writing a book review for one of the books from The BFR! Since I have an ADORABLE baby brother and sister, I have decided to review a children’s book this time. I thought that it might be useful for parents that have lil’ bookworms with them! This post is featuring the one and only Little Miss Diva, my 2-year-old baby sister! So, let’s get to it! The book that I have chosen for today is called…Max at Night by Ed Vere!


One of the best things about this book is the front cover. A picture of a cute, tiny cat is all it needs to persuade a toddler to read it!

The main character in this book is called Max and it’s way past his bedtime. He is very sleepy! He is ready for bed and he needs to say goodnight to everyone. When it’s Moon’s turn, Max can’t find him! So he goes on a journey to find Moon but he can’t see him anywhere! Does brave little Max give up? NO!!! He keeps on trying until he reaches the top of the highest of high hills where suddenly, Moon coms into sight! XD Now Max can finally go to bed!

Max at Night is a book that Little Miss Diva and I enjoyed reading. She actually picked this book herself! If your child loves books and they’re getting sleepy, this is the book to take out! Little Miss Diva always likes to read this book when it’s her bedtime, and I’m sure your child will too!

Next, I need to rate this book! If I was to give this book 1 to 5 stars, it would definitely be a…5 star book! YAY!!! The amount of joy that this book brought Little Miss Diva really makes it 5 stars! The words in this book are short and easy to understand and the illustrations really explain the situation. Your toddler will fall in love with this book! If you would like to read this book with your child, visit your local library today and ask about it there!

Parting is such sweet sorrow! 😂 Oh well, that’s the end of this post-for now! Remember to keep on the lookout for more book reviews from my Pawsome Book Club!

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Pawsome Book Club : Revenge of the Living Dummy by R.L. Stine

Aloha pawsome peeps! Welcome back to my Pawsome Book Club!!

In this post, I am going to be talking about another book that I have read for The BFR! The book that I have chosen to review today is called…Revenge of the Living Dummy by R.L. Stine. It is also one of the books under the Goosebumps series.

revenge of the living dummy.jpg

The front cover is REALLY eye-catching! A picture of an evil dummy laughing menacingly is very intimidating! No one could possibly miss that book, not even a near-sighted man!

The main characters in this book are called Britney Crosby and Molly Molloy. When Britney’s cousin Ethan comes to stay, he won’t stop tormenting her with a creepy ventriloquist’s dummy. But one night, the dummy starts acting weirdly. Is it alive, and can Britney and Molly stop it?

I am going to stop right there because I don’t want to give the whole story away! If I was Britney or Molly, I would have definitely been scared to death! If any of you pawsome peeps are into horror stuff then this is the book for you. It has everything, thrills, spills and horrors!

Next up is rating! If I was to rate this book from 1 to 5, I would give it…5 stars!!! This was a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading and I’m sure people with a taste for horror will too! If you would like to read this book, just ask your local library about it.

Well, that’s all for this post, guys! Hope you have enjoyed reading. Remember to keep a sharp eye out for more book reviews from my Pawsome Book Club! Thank you and bye!

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Pawsome Book Club: The Haunted Car by R.L. Stine

Hey pawsome peeps! I’m back! I hope you’re OK.

Have any of you guys signed up for The BFR yet? If you haven’t, be sure to visit your local library soon!

Today, I am going to talk about one of the books that I have read for The BFR. So without further ado, let’s begin! The book that I have read is…one of the Goosebumps series by R.L. Stine and it is called The Haunted Car! R.L. Stine has written many other books that I have read before in the past. I can tell this, he is a PAWSOME writer!

Book Review-The Haunted Car


The front cover of this book is very interesting. It has a car with the face of a monster on it! Who wouldn’t want to read a book with that picture on it?

Moving on, the main character in this book is called Mitchell and he is a car fanatic. He is begging his family to buy a new car to replace their old, worn out car. So when his family buy a new sports car, he can’t wait to have a ride in it. But one night, when Mitchell sneaks out and sits in the brand new car, the engine starts up on its own. The car starts driving away from the house. Where is it heading, and could it be…haunted?

Well, I’m not going to spoil it any further for you. I want to keep it a surprise for you! I would definitely recommend this book to any of you out there who are into this kind of scary stuff and watch scary movies. It’s one of those books where you look at the cover, read the back and you are keen to find out what happens in it. This is definitely a must-read for horror lovers!

Last but not least, if I was to rate this book from 1 to 5, I would rate it 5 out of 5! I really enjoyed reading the book and that’s why I’m giving it top marks! It is one of the best books I have ever read. If YOU would like to get your hands on this book, just simply visit your local library and enquire about it!

I’m afraid I’m gonna have to end it here pawsome peeps! It’s way past my bedtime! 😴 Thanks for reading this post. Stay tuned for more book reviews from my Pawsome Book Club! Goodbye!!!

p/s: please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!