Pawsome Book Club: Max at Night by Ed Vere

Namaste pawsome peeps! Everything ship-shape?

Once again, I am writing a book review for one of the books from The BFR! Since I have an ADORABLE baby brother and sister, I have decided to review a children’s book this time. I thought that it might be useful for parents that have lil’ bookworms with them! This post is featuring the one and only Little Miss Diva, my 2-year-old baby sister! So, let’s get to it! The book that I have chosen for today is called…Max at Night by Ed Vere!


One of the best things about this book is the front cover. A picture of a cute, tiny cat is all it needs to persuade a toddler to read it!

The main character in this book is called Max and it’s way past his bedtime. He is very sleepy! He is ready for bed and he needs to say goodnight to everyone. When it’s Moon’s turn, Max can’t find him! So he goes on a journey to find Moon but he can’t see him anywhere! Does brave little Max give up? NO!!! He keeps on trying until he reaches the top of the highest of high hills where suddenly, Moon coms into sight! XD Now Max can finally go to bed!

Max at Night is a book that Little Miss Diva and I enjoyed reading. She actually picked this book herself! If your child loves books and they’re getting sleepy, this is the book to take out! Little Miss Diva always likes to read this book when it’s her bedtime, and I’m sure your child will too!

Next, I need to rate this book! If I was to give this book 1 to 5 stars, it would definitely be a…5 star book! YAY!!! The amount of joy that this book brought Little Miss Diva really makes it 5 stars! The words in this book are short and easy to understand and the illustrations really explain the situation. Your toddler will fall in love with this book! If you would like to read this book with your child, visit your local library today and ask about it there!

Parting is such sweet sorrow! 😂 Oh well, that’s the end of this post-for now! Remember to keep on the lookout for more book reviews from my Pawsome Book Club!

p/s: Please kindly visit my YouTube channel – The Pawsome Lion to watch my Pawsome Book Club videos & don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

My Little Miss Diva!


Since 2014, the 3rd of January has been an important date for my family! This is because of the long awaited addition to my small family. Of course, it’s none other than my Little Miss Diva’s day of birth. Mrs Mom said, “She was a miracle!”


I was 7 years old when I found out that Mrs Mom was pregnant with Little Miss Diva. When I first heard the news, I was stupefied! I couldn’t believe it! The news had me jumping with excitement because I never had a brother or sister before.


There was a strong connection between me and Little Miss Diva right from the beginning. Whenever Mrs Mom wanted to sleep, I always had to sit beside her and keep her company. Sometimes, even when she was still in Mrs Mom’s tummy, I would read stories to Little Miss Diva at night and talk to her all the time. Occasionally, she would kick Mrs Mom’s tummy as she listened to me talk to her.


In the period of time when Mrs Mom was pregnant, I did a lot of research on (newborn) babies and found out lots of amazing facts, like how fragile a baby’s skull can be. Other than that, I also did some research about the baby’s growth and development. I did the research in order to help me get prepared when Little Miss Diva came into the world. I have to say, the research helped me a lot!


Then, around the time when Mrs Mom was going to give birth, me and Mr Dad went to Mothercare to buy a bodysuit for Little Miss Diva that said “I LOVE MY BROTHER!” XD It looked so cute! I was sure that it would suit Little Miss Diva. The bodysuit was my first gift for her. We also bought a lot of other things for her too.


Finally, after a long wait, it was the time for Little Miss Diva to breathe her first breath of fresh air. The time when Little Miss Diva was born was an exhilarating moment. As soon as she came out of Mrs Mom’s tummy, she was crying like mad! A little while later, she managed to calm herself down. As she laid down on her bed, she looked so cute whilst she slept and snored. I was really looking forward to spending more time with her!


When she was first born, she was diagnosed with Cow’s Milk Allergy and couldn’t drink any milk other than Mrs Mom’s milk! Whenever she took in dairy products, her body would react badly and she would start to vomit. She had to get a special milk powder that was suitable for babies and toddlers who are lactose intolerant. She is beginning to eat more dairy products now but her body still reacts badly. The poor little thing is even allergic to her own birthday cake! 😦


As Little Miss Diva grew, me and her made lots of great memories. When she was around 7 months old, she grew her first tooth! I found that out on Saturday 19th July 2014. She was chewing on her teether a lot in this period of time. After that, Mrs Mom decided to teach Little Miss Diva to use a toothbrush at an early stage. That day was Monday 21st July 2014. Sometimes, she still wants me to brush her teeth though.


After that, on Tuesday 22nd July 2014, me and Mrs Mom discovered that she could clap her hands! As we were watching TV, Mrs Mom started cheering and told Little Miss Diva to clap. That’s when her new hidden talent was revealed! Unfortunately, Mr Dad was at work but we showed him as soon as he came home.


Later, she started to crawl on Wednesday 6th August 2014! Mr Dad was in the kitchen but Dadajee was also on FaceTime call to witness it. This was just one step before she would be walking so that would be good! When she started to crawl, she was very active and crawled everywhere.


Then, she started to talk to me when she was only 9 months old. That is very good for a normal baby. That means that she will learn quickly in the future! 😉 Now, she can finally share her thoughts with us!


Next came the time when she was walking secretly behind my back! I didn’t realise it until one day, I turned around and found her walking around and playing. When she saw me looking at her, she quickly sat down and did something else. Then, I asked her to walk again but she refused to do it. But, she was a pro when she walked with her knees. She could manage to walk all around the house with her knees! Later on, when we moved house in March 2015, she was still walking in her own special way which was using her knees! A little while later, her knees were swollen from all that walking with her knees because unlike our old house, the floor was oak flooring and that caused her knees to be swollen. From then on, she started using her feet for a good purpose!


When she was younger, I enjoyed looking after her and giving her milk. Everyday, she would always ask me to read some books to her. There are also some times when she would read a book to me! This has been our daily routine since she was born until today. On other occasions, I will make chocolate spread sandwiches for her and feed her all the time.


From time to time, she would pray beside me and follow me as I prayed. Whenever she wants to pray with me, she will start to shout because she wants me to get her prayer mat out! Now and again, she will invite me to dance with her, except this time, I have to follow her! 😛


Every so often, Little Miss Diva wants me to give her a bath. I still have to do that now. But, it’s fine with me because we have pawsome fun in the bath all the time. She will splash and play while I pour water over her and wash her. She can also wash herself, but only when she wants to. I love spending good quality time with her!


Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, her personality changed a bit. First, she didn’t like to put girly clothes and accessories on but now, she’s a bit of a diva and likes to put dresses on all the time! She is also a big fan of Frozen, Minion and Mickey Mouse. Now, when I said Mickey Mouse, I didn’t mean BOTH Mickey and Minnie. I only meant Mickey Mouse because Little Miss Diva only likes him! I don’t know why she is like that.


Little Miss Diva has many good qualities in her. Of course, No. 1 would be that she’s super duper CUTE and BEAUTIFUL! She is also very protective whenever Mr Dad or Mrs Mom is angry with me or Baby A. She will go to them straight away and say “Don’t do that!” or “Stop!”. Another good quality that she has is kindness and friendliness. She loves playing with other people and likes to make friends. Little Miss Diva also likes to sing songs (especially Frozen songs like Let It Go!) and dance to them too! She also has a great imagination because when she plays with a toy, she will try to make the story real. For example, when she plays with her toy doll, she will put the doll in her push chair and pretend that she’s going shopping.


Me and Little Miss Diva enjoy doing plenty of things together. Sometimes we like to sing and dance together and in other times, we draw pictures with each other. On other occasions, we will play shopping with each other. I will be the shopkeeper and she will be the customer that buys things from my shop. Some other times, we will do some arts and crafts together. Little Miss Diva also loves pretending to cook with me. Little Miss Diva enjoys sharing her time with me. And of course, what every brother and sister likes to do…give each other a CUDDLE!!!!!


I ,as a brother, think that Little Miss Diva is the best sister in the world! She has lots of good qualities, we enjoy spending time together and I love her more than anything in this world! After all, what would my life be like without her? She is a sister that is cute, kind, friendly and PAWSOME! I am super duper proud to have a little sister like her!


This year marks your second birthday my Little Miss Diva! I know that you’ve enjoyed your birthday cake and presents on Sunday. However, I would like to share a special poem which I’ve written especially for you…

My Little Miss Diva!

I am your brother

And you are my sister,

Every day together is like a fun twister!

I am always there

When you are hurt,

I’ll pick you up and brush off that dirt

You are my sister

And you’re like my friend,

You’ve got so much time that with me you can spend!

You are there

To keep me company,

When we are together, we are one big tree!

We’ll hold each others hands

And never let go,

We’ll make it through hard times and together we’ll grow

Tears of joy

And tears of sorrow,

Do not worry, it’ll be fine tomorrow

We’ll be close together

As we dance through life,

Listening to the birds that sound like a fife

We’ll get through it quick,

No matter what life sends,

We’ll be the pair that will somehow transcend!

We will fly,

High in the sky,

Like one big eagle,

Great and golden,

We will fly over the five oceans!

Never break apart,

Gotta stick together!

Never leave each other,

That way, we’ll be as swift as a feather!

Be one big family,

Make a never ending story!


p/s: Happy 2nd Birthday My Little Miss Diva! I love you to the moon and back my strawberry banana!!


*Media Source: Google Images*